Friday, August 26, 2011

Tara's Hy-Vee Mini Haul

This is my latest couponing adventure:
I went to Hy-Vee & spent $7.90 total! I saved $6.45 in coupons & caught everything on sale! I saved 45% on this mini haul. Here is how:
-Hunts Snack Pack Pudding(4)-On sale for .80 with a .45 coupon when you buy 3 (total $2.75)
-Ken's Ranch Dressing(1)-On sale for $1.50 with a $1 off coupon (total .50)
-Nabisco Wheat Thins (2)-On sale for $1.99 with 2 $1 off coupons (total .99 each)
-Hamburger Helper/Tuna Helper(9)-On sale for .88 with 3 .75 off coupons (total .63 each)

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